Wednesday, May 29, 2013

CD/DVD Drive Motor Driver hack to run its own 3 phase BLDC motor

You can use your old CD Drive motor to run it as fan or for any other motor applications, simply by 'Hacking' its own motor driver which is on the board of the CD Drive .

You simply need to download the datasheet of the motor driver IC which is on your board (as it varies) by Googling it around.(If available on the net).
Generally motor driver IC has a small heat sink on the IC itself (something like silver colored plate or solder on it). You can distinguish from other IC's that way.

I found mine.My motor driver IC was MP63028FP.

Find the current control or speed control pin of the motor driver through datasheet.
And as per the IC requirement (by looking datasheet) provide it analog voltage with the help of potentiometer/rheostat/preset.

In my case it was pin 26 ( i.e. spindle control voltage input).
I provided it a voltage ranging from 0 to 5V through a 100k preset.
Actually, I overrided the I/P coming from other control IC of the board to the motor driver by simply sodering the o/p coming from preset to that pin.
Also,I have added a small heat sink on the driver IC by simply making a hole on the heat sink and then putting the hole on the rectangular heat sink area provided on the top of the IC ,then I poured some solder.
You will not require to add a heat sink if you run it at low speed/current (<0.5A).

Provide the power supply to the board as per requirement. (i.e. 12V, 5V, GND).
You can provide the power supply through 12V source and voltage regulator IC 7805 to get 5V supply for it.
I am using variable voltage regultor IC LM317.

Thats all, you have done it.

As you increase the voltage value your motor will start running as per the preset value.

Now I am using it as a small 12V DC powered table fan by attaching a self made blade to it.

Comment if you like to know something else about this.


  1. i have having 3 motors and 3 boards and i was searchign exactly something like this brilliant idea, can i use this on computer power supply SMPS?

    1. Sorry for the long delay, If you are still looking..
      then, Yes you can surely use it on comp. SMPS power supply or any other power supply of that range.

  2. hi. i have TA8493AF ic in my circuit board.. i went through the whole diagram of that i.c but couldn't find which pin to connect the preset (100k V.R)...
    can you help me with this..
    thanks in advance.. If you like to answer through email than its.

    1. Yes Boby is correct.
      Pin no 21 will decide speed of your motor.
      If (V of 21 < V of 22) by 0.75V then motor will run in forward direction at full speed.
      Vary this voltage diff. from 0-0.75V to obtain different speed as per your requirement.
      Zero vol. will stop your motor.
      Similarly when (V of 21 > V of 22) motor will run in reverse direction.
      If this does not work for you put pin 5 to High forcefully(here, high means within 5V range).

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I,m using M63026FP; SPIN is pin 26. I attached headset's volume control as preset. it changes voltage from 0 to 5V. I,m using custom 12V 1,5A adapter. But when I apply power, motor starts and stops after about 3seconds. Than it starts again and stops after 1 second. After that, there is no way to run it. I need to turn off and then turn on the whole board to run it again! I suppose, IC checks for CD. If there is no CD(and there is no CD since laser connector is unpluged) IC stops the motor. Any suggestions?

    1. I checked the datasheet. M63026FP has 2 mute pins, MU1 and MU2. Acoording to the values of those pins(High/Low) operation mode is selected. When MC1 is not active, IC goes in power saving mode, When MU1 is active, spindle motor is ON. I connected MU1 (pin 43) to 5v. Now motor works, when SPIN>REF. But I can't adjust motor speed. How to adjust motor speed? Do I need exactly 100K preset?

  5. I checked the datasheet of BD7902CFS. And I found pin 24 (SPIN - Spindle driver input) .I supplied the voltage through preset but their is no movement in my spindle motor motor of driver.please reply answer on my email:-

  6. ممتاذ رائع اكثر من رائع جيد

  7. Yo akash bro hw r u , need your help to run my bldc from lg DVD ROM the drive is R2S30202FP I can send u more details send your email or mail me on

    1. I checked the datasheet of BD7902CFS. And I found pin 24 (SPIN - Spindle driver input) .I supplied the voltage through preset but their is no movement in my spindle motor motor of driver.please reply answer on my email:-

  8. I am using BD7783FSR but unable to find its datasheet can you please

    1. Solicita Datasheet diretamente ao fabricante ROHM no email:,

  9. I am using BD7783FSR but unable to find its datasheet can you please

  10. Como Folha de dados para BD7957FS , busquei em todos sites não encontrando e pela ROHM também não.

  11. Awesome and interesting article. Great things you've always shared with us. Thanks. Just continue composing this kind of post. cd duplication services

  12. hi! i have r2a3 0236 sp . cant find anything =( can you help ?

    1. I have same chip , cant find datasheet for it also. Bu its almost similar with the 42 pinout. Its actually labeled on the pcb if it came from dvd rom. The ones youll need to drive the bldc to run

  13. Not able to find D77895A ic pinouts please suggest me

    1. Hi, have you found? If you did, please share. Thank you

  14. R2a30250sp this is the ic.. please help me.i cant find out the right pin

    1. I've the same IC , and it's datasheet is not available over internet. I have searched 100 times but no luck.:'(

  15. I have got BD7789RFS IC. Can you help me to get the correct pin configuration for rotating the motor. I have tried everything on my knowledge but unfortunately no luck so far. Mail me at

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  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Greetings friend! First of all, thanks for sharing your interesting project. I am not understanding one thing:
    1) In the fourth picture (CD-ROM card), there are 3 black wires named 5V, GND and 12V, so this power supply should come from an External Power Supply? (I believe so).
    2) Can I plug the board directly into the original terminal on the back of the board? Then I would use the 10K Potentiometer directly on the Voltage Control Pin of the Spindle.
    Could someone here or the author of the post, answer me if I am correct? Thank you
